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Efforts to restore our Earth have made an impact in reducing the harm done to our atmosphere, land, water, and the ecosystems that depend on them.

Thankfully, there are easy steps you can take right now to start reducing your environmental impact. Do you know what they are? Participate in Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (#CCEW) and take our quiz and find out.

1. Energy-saving mode is the most eco-friendly setting when your laptop or computer is not in use.1

Correct. Though energy-saving modes do reduce power consumption, the best way to minimize your machines' environmental impact is by shutting them down completely when not in use.


2. Transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions in the United States.

If you're able, consider walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transportation to cut down on your own carbon emissions.2


3. If food waste were a country, it would be the ____ largest contributor of greenhouse gases.

Correct. The carbon footprint of food waste trails only the US and China in harmful emissions, so it's important to be mindful of how much food you're throwing out.2


4. Despite the negative environmental impact, it's still important to get rid of food once it hits its expiration date.

Correct. Listed expiration dates (sometimes labeled as "best by" or "use by" dates) usually indicate when a product starts to decline in freshness or quality as opposed to when it's no longer safe to eat. Instead of only going by the date listed on the package, use your best judgment by smelling or tasting the item before deciding to throw it out.3


5. The least energy-efficient water temperature setting for a washing machine is:

Correct. It takes longer for a washing machine to fill with hot water and creates more waste in the process, so consider using a lower temperature setting instead.1


6. Washing smaller loads of laundry throughout the week is more energy-efficient than doing a full load.

Correct. Though smaller loads use less water per cycle, it's more efficient in the long run to wash as many items at once as your machine can handle.4


7. Which food categories within the agricultural industry are the largest greenhouse gas contributors?

Correct. Changing your diet to lower your meat and dairy consumption is an effective way to reduce your own carbon footprint.5


8. When you go grocery shopping, a good way to reduce waste is by:

Correct. Little actions like these add up over time to make a tangible difference.


9. There's no difference in environmental impact between buying local and buying from a chain store.

Correct. Products often travel great distances before arriving in chain stores for you to purchase. Shopping local cuts down on shipping emissions.


1Rinkesh "51+ Simple and Easy Ways to Go Green This Year." Conserve Energy Future, August 2020.

2"How to Act on Climate Change: A User's Guide." Earth Day, 2021.

3"Researchers seek to reduce food waste and establish the science of food date labeling." University of Maryland, May 2020.

4Murray, Doug "20 Super Simple Ways to Go Green at Home." HGTV, February 2021.

5Çaki, Sirin "30 Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly in 2021." Greenmatch, March 2021