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Take our quiz to see how much you know about stress.

Stress can be a disruptive force in daily life, but there are ways to keep it under control. Do you know what they are? Take this quiz to find out about the problems stress causes and what you can do to help yourself in the midst of mental strain.

1. Stress increases your risk for which of the following ailments?

Correct. Stress can cause these problems and many more, including headaches, fatigue, stomach issues, and skin conditions.


2. Stress is always bad for you.

Correct. Chronic stress takes a toll on our bodies and minds, but in certain situations (like when you’re in danger, about to give a performance, or have an important deadline to meet), a small dose of stress can make us sharper and better prepared.


3. Cortisol is the hormone most closely associated with stress. What else does cortisol play a role in?

Correct. Despite the bad rap it sometimes gets, cortisol is critically important to several major bodily processes.


4. Exercise is a proven method of stress reduction. Why is it so effective?

Correct. In addition to lowering our stress hormone, exercise also floods our brain with chemicals that reduce pain and boost our mood.


5. Which joyful junk food can actually reduce stress?

Correct. If you’re eating dark chocolate that’s at least 70% cacao, you’re getting antioxidants, fiber, and other minerals that can lower your stress levels. Careful though—you still have to practice moderation!


6. What's an effective stress reliever you can do anytime, anywhere?

Correct. The next time you’re feeling stressed, inhale deeply. Pause for a moment after your lungs are filled with air, then slowly exhale. Repeat this roughly ten times, focusing solely on your breath. This will lower your heart rate while also grounding your mind in the present moment.


7. This stress-reduction technique helps you organize your thoughts and better understand your emotions:

Correct. Writing about your stress can help clarify what you’re feeling and make the situation seem more manageable.


8. Which common stress-relief strategy actually make things worse?

Correct. Though all of these options can provide a brief feel-good sensation, they usually make stress and anxiety even worse.


9. How many hours of sleep does the average adult need each night to help combat stress?

Correct. Exhaustion can make us emotionally vulnerable and susceptible to higher stress levels. Getting enough sleep each night gives us mental strength to help tackle the day ahead.


10. Should all stress be self-treated?

Correct. High levels of chronic stress can morph into anxiety and/or depression. If you’re suffering from these negative emotions on a regular basis, consider seeing a therapist. The human mind is complicated, and sometimes professional expertise is needed.
